After Kotte Field visit we had to prepare a Town scale map for SriJayawardanapura kettle area. Before preparing a map we had to study in this area to get know rough area. At that moment we first of all we had to prepare town scale map in 1:10000 .So preparing a 1:10000 town scale map we used Google earth and Arc GIs .and also prepare to map we got more information and instruction from our second year and third year seniors. In prepare 1:10000 map there was 2010 quarry data and we used them. Step by step we enter data to the map. We entered building, land use, hydrology area, administration boundary like that information. We got color printout for that map. We could identity different data with different color. After getting this map we had to measure the building to identify the scale for the map. So at that moment we studied most important from our madam because there was a misunderstand earlier we thought the scale of map inn 1; 5000 after measuring it was 1: 10000 actually it was 1:10000 scale. So I think scale is the most important thing to express map. There was color and we could easy to understand water bodies, building, main road, minor road and other valuable thing.
Then we had enlarge map in 1:5000 and we go our map in color and it was big than the other because if take decrease the scale it will be increase the size of the well as at that moment we had to measure the building and identify the scale of the truth consider about both of the map we could identify some our road areas in kotte field visit. And also mad said that 22 nd August tracing this map on a butter not easy task to us because there was lot of small buildings roads for the ttreasing.and also first of all we had to sharp our pencil because our mad expect our map with neat and tidy. Until 9 p.m. we did our duty but we unable finish our work and we did our word Monday. Before preparing our 1:3000 town scale map it was big experience to us.
After finish 1:5000 map madam divide every group for preparing lot of maps for their task. On the other hand we had lucky to say that we got preparing a town scale map to Srijayawardanapura Kotte area. But it is not
easy task. Because all of the other group waited until prepare our town scale map. They based on our map for preparing their map. If consider about the 1:5000 town scale map we couldn’t use it because we wanted only our field visit area. So we spend lot of time to prepare this map because there some new quarry data in our lab and we used them and also its difficulties to printout our map it was bigger one than other. So we got our map in two A1 paper. I think in this process we got lot of time. If take 1:5000 map there was some scale problem and again we had to prepare it with our friend helping.
Next we had to treasing map for butter sheet. First of all we consider the most important area that we have cover for the example Kotte road, Nippon friendship road, Thalawatugoda road, Pagoda road, parliament area and Atulkotte area. If consider about the town scale map we had treasing only building, water bodies, major roads and minor roads.
As well as most difficulties was some area we had to update. For the example there lot buildings built in marsh areas. And also buildings not in the map example in “Diyatha Uyana” so at that situation we had to update the map. And also we had to identify the bus numbers going on that road as well as land marks in our field visit. And also we had label main road, minor road, land marks, water bodies and contours.
If we consider about the updating the map we had to go survey department, Urban Development Authority and Sri Jayawardanapura Municipal Council. If talk about Survey department There is only 2010 data for we used and when asked town scale map and there no perfect map in this area. In the Urban Development authority there is no updating data. In the Srijayawardanapura Municipal Council we could found contours map in kotte area. After get this data we had to draw our map quickly because other groups based our map for their map preparation.
And also we used only pencils for prepare our map and also we got black and white map and some part not to clear at that situation it’s very difficult to do our task however we did it.We used black pen to show road net work in our map.
There is only two variation contour line among the 10m and 20m. If consider the Kotte museum there is 20m contour we can identify kotte area not highest place and there is small slopes in this area. As well as contour line show us water transportation information .And also there were “Kolonna Oya” and Diyawanna water bodies both of them connected s. If consider about water bodies its control flood situation early we could see in Colombo area if there small rain there is flood now in this Diyata uyana area develop water bodies and it control that situation .As well as lot of building located in main road. And lot of houses found in minor roads. There was big problem to divide land and water bodies so and that situation we used JeffryBawa water line pattern to them.
Finally In our map there is only black and white colour.We updated lot of information that we found. The most important thing was other group used our map as a based map.